Home Loan

Having your own home is one of the greatest achievements one would like to have in life. Seylan Home loans offer affordable and flexible housing loan schemes that can turn your dream to a reality.

A Seylan home loan can range from rupees five hundred thousand to one hundred million (LKR 500,000 – LKR 100,000,000) by submitting minimum documentation. Seylan home loans are offered at a competitive interest rate along with special Advisory Services.

Furthermore customers can also choose repayment plans stretching up to 25 years, depending on their repayment capacity and age.

We have products to suit every budget, taste and need. Whether you are self-employed or working in an organization, Seylan Bank offers a loan that is just perfect for you.


Meet your purpose:
Purchase or construct a house, Purchase a block of land, Renovate, Extend or Complete an existing house, Purchase a Condominium apartment, Redeem an existing housing loan, Home improvements (Interior decor, Pantry cupboards, Landscaping or any other requirements)

Attractive interest rates:
We offer attractive home loan rates that makes your housing loans affordable and easier to repay.

Balance transfer facility:
Not satisfied with your existing Home Loan Provider? You can transfer your home loan to us without any hassles.

Loan Amount:
From a minimum of Rs. 1,000,000/- based on the applicant's repayment capacity and value of property. Maximum loan amount Rs. 100 Million.

Purchase a Condominium Apartment:

List of Condominium Aptartment


  • Salaried Employees
  • Professionals
  • Businessmen
  • Sri Lankans employed abroad
  • Joint borrowers with spouse
  • Parents with Son/Daughter over 18 years of age.


Simple Steps for a Home Loan

Find out how much you could borrow

Two minutes with our Loan Calculator to make your decision making process easy.


Complete your application

You can download your Seylan Home loans application form

Or Request through the following options: 

Option 1 : Submit your Request Form. We will contact you within 48hrs.  

Option 2 : Visit nearest branch

Option 3 : Call hotline to check +9411 200 88 88

Online Banking

Apply for our internet banking and monitor your settlements from home.



Housing Loan Charges
Processing Fee 0.5% of Loan Amount Minimum LKR 15,000.00 to Maximum LKR 200,000.00
Mortgage Bond Loan Amount  
1. Up to LKR 5,000,000 1% of Loan amount - Minimum LKR 5,000.00
2. LKR 5,000,000 up to LKR 25,000,000  
LKR 5,000,000 LKR 50,000.00
LKR 5,000,001 up to LKR 25,000,000 LKR 50,000 + 0.5% on the remaining balance
3. LKR 25,000,000 and above  
LKR 25,000,000 LKR 150,000.00
LKR 25,000,0001 and above LKR 150,000/-  + 0.25%
VAT Mortgage Charges x 15.00%
Mortgage Bond Total = Mortgage Charges + VAT
Valuation Fee   Depends on Valuation + Travelling Charges e.g. If Loan Amount = LKR 2,000,000/-,Valuation Fee = LKR 2,000/- + travelling charges
Title Search Charges As applicable by the respective lawyers who are outsourced and employed by the bank
Stamp Duty Purchase or Construction of a House - Below LKR 3,000,000/- No Charges
Purchase or Construction of a House - Above LKR 3,000,000/- 0.1% of Loan Amount
For Transfer deeds - Up to LKR 100,000/- 3.0% of Transfer deed value
For Transfer deeds - Above LKR 100,000/- 4.0%of Transfer deed value
Insurance Policies Title Insurance Policy On evaluation requirement.
Mortgage Policy Mandatory
Fire Insurance As per valuation

See all Service Charges

Housing Loan

Tenure (fixed) Rate % for Permanent employees with Salary Assignment (Salary above LKR 500,000/-) (%) Rate % for Permanent employees with Salary Assignment (Salary above LKR 200,000/-) (%) Others (%)
With Credit Card & Internet Banking With Credit Card & Internet Banking Without Credit Card & Internet Banking With Credit Card & Internet Banking Without Credit Card & Internet Banking
01 Year - - 10.00 10.50 11.00
02 Years - - 10.50 11.00 11.50
05 Years - - 11.25 11.75 12.25