No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Monthly Saving Charges - Average balance below LKR 2,000.00 LKR 100.00
2 Savings account closure charges LKR 750.00
3 Savings withdrawals over the counter less than LKR 200,000.00 LKR 50.00
4 Savings Pass Book
4.1 Issue of passbook at the time of opening LKR 250.00
4.2 Renewal of passbook LKR 250.00
4.3 Duplicate passbook (due to lost of original) LKR 1,000.00
5 Initial minimum deposit
5.1 Super Grade Branches LKR 15,000.00
5.2 Other Branches LKR 3,500.00
5.3 Tikiri Accounts (All Branches) LKR 2,000.00
5.4 Accelerate accounts (All Branches) LKR 7,500.00
6 Dormant A/Cs dogmatizing fee ( S/As & C/As) 200.00
6.1 Monthly maintenance fee on dormant accounts 50.00 per month
6.2 Abandoned Property Transferring Fee 500.00
6.3 DRP charges for searching of NIC details 25.00
7 DRP charges for searching of NIC details 25.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Monthly Service Charges (In lieu of Minimum balance)
1.1 Personal Accounts - average balance less than LKR 15,000/- LKR 1,000/- per month w.e.f. 01.04.2023
1.2 Other Accounts - average balance less than LKR 25,000/- LKR 1,500/- per month w.e.f 01.04.2023
2 Current account closure charges LKR 2,000.00
3 Cheque Book Charges
3.1 Cheque book charges per leaf LKR 35.00 (Including VAT)
3.2 10 leaves cheque book LKR 350.00 (Including VAT)
3.3 25 leaves cheque books LKR 875.00 (Including VAT)
3.4 50 leaves cheque books LKR 1,750.00 (Including VAT)
3.5 Loose Leaf LKR 500.00 (per leaf)
4 Cheque return charges
4.1 Due to technical reasons LKR 750.00
4.2 Due to insufficient funds LKR 5,000.00
4.3 From outward / Seylan Clearing LKR 250.00
5 Stop Payment Charges
5.1 If funds not available LKR 6,000.00
5.2 Loss of entire cheque book or unused part LKR 5,000.00
5.3 Cancellation of stop payment LKR 1,000.00
5.4 If funds available LKR 3,000.00
6 Closure of Current Accounts
6.1 Uneconomical / Unsatisfactory of voluntary LKR 2,000.00 additional fee of LKR 50.00 per unreturned Cheque Leaf
7 Special Clearance of Cheques (Mark for Payment)
7.1 Mark for payment of cheques drawn on Seylan Bank (inward) LKR 3,000.00
7.2 Mark for payment of cheque drawn on other banks (outward) Up to LKR 200,000.00 - LKR 3,500.00, <\br>Over LKR 200,000.00 - LKR 4,500.00 + cost of transport
8 Cash Orders (Special Denominations)
8.1 Below LKR 200,000.00 LKR 1,500.00 (only for A/C holders)
9 Periodic Statements of Accounts
9.1 Quarterly LKR 200.00
9.2 Weekly LKR 2,000.00(per month)
9.3 Daily LKR 3,500.00(per month)
9.4 Email Free of Charge
10 Duplicate Statements LKR 500.00 per month for one page( if exceeds one page in a month, LKR 100.00 for each additional page)
11 Temporary Statements LKR 350.00 per month ( if exceeds one page in a month LKR 100.00 for each additional page )
12 Retrieving physical cheques from Lanka Clear LKR 1,000.00 per item
13 Dormant A/Cs dogmatizing fee ( C/As & S/As) 200.00
13.1 Monthly maintenance fee on dormant accounts 50.00 per month
13.2 Abandoned Property Transferring Fee 500.00
13.3 DRP charges for searching of NIC details 25.00
14 DRP charges for searching of NIC details 25.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Placement Fee LKR 250.00
2 Outside the bank
2.1 Remitted through SLIPS LKR 50.00
2.2 Remitted by MCQ LKR 500.00 + Postage
3 Non execution of standing orders due to lack funds LKR 250.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Foreign Currency Drafts issuance customers for educational purpose LKR 400.00
2 Inward remittances to Sri Lanka (via SWIFT)
2.1 To Rupee Accounts Minimum LKR 300.00,
Maximum LKR 3,500.00
2.2 To Foreign Currency Accounts ( Domestic) Minimum USD 3.00,
Maximum USD 10.00
3 Outward Telegraphic Transfer via SWIFT - LKR Accounts
3.1 Import of goods / Service Payments 1.5% + SWIFT Charges ,
Minimum LKR 10,000.00 + SWIFT Charges
3.2 Education
Medical Purpose
LKR 3,000.00 + SWIFT Charges,
LKR 6,000.00 + SWIFT Charges
3.3 Migration 1.5% + SWIFT Charges,
Minimum LKR 10,000.00 + SWIFT Charges
3.4 SWIFT Charge LKR 2,000.00
4 Outward Telegraphic Transfer via SWIFT - Foreign Currency Accounts
4.1 General Minimum USD 25.00 + SWIFT charges,
Maximum USD 45.00 + SWIFT charges
4.2 Education / Medical Purpose USD 25.00 + SWIFT charges
4.3 Business Purpose transactions Minimum USD 30.00 + SWIFT charges,
Maximum USD 40.00 + SWIFT charges
4.4 SWIFT charges USD 5.00
4.5 Amendments LKR 3,000.00 + SWIFT Charges,
USD 30.00 + SWIFT Charges
4.6 Foreign Bank Charges for Remitter USD 25.00,
GBP 30.00,
JPY 6,000.00,
EUR/ SGD - Additional USD 10.00,
AUD 40.00,
NZD - USD 50.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Personal Internet Banking
1.1 Personal customers - Annually LKR 750.00
1.2 Personal - Funds transfer within the bank Free
1.3 Personal - Funds transfer - Other banks (CEFT) LKR 25.00 (per transaction)
1.4 Personal - Funds Transfer - SLIPS LKR 50.00 (per transaction)
1.5 Standing order placement Free of charge
1.6 Utility bill payments Free of Charge
1.7 Custom Payments LKR 50.00 per transaction
2 Personal - IB / MB Transaction Limits
2.1 Own Accounts LKR 9,999,999,999,999.00
2.2 Third party account within same bank (per account) Per Transaction = LKR 10,000,000.00,
Daily = LKR 20,000,000.00,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 25,000,000.00
2.3 Standing Order Maximum Limit LKR 5,000,000.00 per day
2.4 Third Party Account Other Bank SLIPS/ CEFT (per account) Per Transaction = LKR 5,000,000.00,
Daily = LKR 10,000,000.00,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 25,000,000.00
2.5 Foreign Currency Account Limit Per transaction = USD 5,000.00 or equivalent,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 25,000,000.00
2.6 Maximum limits on CEFTS LKR 5,000,000.00 per day,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 25,000,000.00
2.7 Minimum limits on CEFTS LKR 100.00
2.8 Standing Order Maximum Limit LKR 5,000,000.00 per day
3 SMS Alerts
3.1 Card Transactions on POS / ATM Free of charge
3.2 Account Debit / Credit CASA Alert Annual Fee LKR 250.00
4 E-statement Free of charge
5 Corporate Internet Banking
5.1 Corporate customers - Annually a. Single user = LKR 1,500.00,
b. 2 to 5 Users = LKR 5,000.00,
c. For more than 5 user = LKR 1,000.00 for each additional user
5.2 Bulk, Payroll etc. transfers within Seylan & Other banks Customized
5.3 Standing Order Maximum Limit LKR 5,000,000.00 per day
5.4 Third party account other bank - SLIPs/ CEFT (Per Account) Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00,
Daily = LKR 25,000,000.00,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 50,000,000.00
5.5 Standing order placement Free of charge
5.6 Utility bill payments Free of charge
5.7 Custom Payments LKR 50.00 per transaction
5.8 EPF Payments Free of charge
5.9 ETF Payments Free of charge
6 Corporate IB Transaction Limits
6.1 Own Accounts Overall & Daily = LKR 9,999,999,999.00
6.2 Third party account within same bank (per account) Per Transaction Limit = 10,000,000.00,
Daily = LKR 50,000,000.00,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 50,000,000.00
6.3 Third party account other bank - SLIPs/ CEFT (Per Account) Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00,
Daily = LKR 25,000,000.00,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 50,000,000.00
6.4 Foreign Currency Account Per Transaction Limit Per Transaction = USD 5,000.00 or equivalent,
Cumulative Daily Limit - Per User = LKR 25,000,000.00
6.5 Minimum Limit on CEFT LKR 100.00
6.6 Standing Order Maximum Limit LKR 5,000,000.00
7 SeylanPay
7.1 Within Seylan Bank Funds Transfers Free
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99,
Maximum Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99
7.2 Within Seylan - Third party Funds Transfer Free
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99,
Maximum Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99
7.3 Third party Other Bank LKR 30.00
Daily Maximum Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.4 Other Bank to Seylan Bank Funds Transfer Free
Daily Maximum Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.5 Other Bank to Other bank LKR 30.00
Daily Maximum Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.6 Seylan to Seylan Card Settlement Free
Maximum Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99
7.7 Seylan Bank to Other Bank Card Settlements LKR 30.00
Daily Limit & Max Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.8 Other to Seylan Bank Card Settlement Free
Daily Maximum Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.9 Other Bank Card to Other Bank Card Settlement LKR 30.00
Daily Limit & Max Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.10 Bill Payment from Seylan Bank Account Free
Daily Limit & Max Per transaction Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99
7.11 BIll Payment From Other Account Free
Daily Limit & Max Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.12 Bill Payment from Seylan Card Free
Daily Limit & Max Per Transaction Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99
7.13 Bill Payment from Other Card Free
Daily Limit & Max Per Transaction Limit = LKR 5,000,000.00
7.14 LankaQR Transactions from Seylan Account Free
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99,
Maximum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 200,000.00,
Minimum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 20.00
7.15 LankaQR transactions from Other Account Free
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99,
Maximum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 200,000.00,
Minimum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 20.00
7.16 Master, VISA QR transactions Free
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99,
Maximum Per transaction Limit = LKR 200,000.00,
Minimum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 10.00
7.17 Government Payment LKR 50.00,
Daily Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99 ,
Maximum Per Transaction Limit = LKR 999,999,999.99


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Debit (ATM) card issuance fee - Non Personalized
1.1 Mastercard / Visa Platinum LKR 1,000.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
1.2 Visa Classic, Teens LKR 750.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
1.3 Accelerate / Harasara LKR 500.00
1.4 Business Banking LKR 1,500.00
2 Debit (ATM) card issuance fee - Personalized
2.1 Visa Classic, Platinum, Visa Seylfie LKR 1,500.00
2.2 Mastercard Platinum LKR 1,500.00
2.3 Visa Seylfie LKR 1,500.00
3 Debit(ATM) card annual fee
3.1 Visa Classic LKR 500.00 (w.e.f. 10 April 2023)
3.2 Visa/ Master Platinum LKR 750.00 (w.e.f. 10 April 2023)
3.3 Seylfie LKR 750.00 (w.e.f. 10 April 2023)
4 Debit Card re- issue fee/ Lost card replacement fee
4.1 Visa Classic LKR 750.00
4.2 Mastercard Platinum, Visa Platinum / Seylfie LKR 1,000.00
4.3 Visa Debit Seylfie LKR 1,000.00
5 Pin re issue fee [Visa/ Master Debit (ATM) Cards] LKR 400.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
6 ATM Withdrawal Fee
6.1 Other Bank ATMs LKR 60.00
6.2 Lanka pay ATMs LKR 30.00
6.3 Foreign LKR 1,000.00
6.4 Seylan ATMs LKR 5.00
7 Fuel Surcharge via Debit Card 1%
8 Balance Inquiry Fee
8.1 Seylan ATMs (with printed receipt) LKR 5.00
8.2 Seylan ATMs Free of charge
8.3 Other Bank ATMs LKR 50.00
8.4 Lanka Pay ATMs LKR 7.50
8.5 Foreign LKR 150.00
9 Travel Insurance Fee (per Policy) - up to 30 days LKR 2,500.00
10 Overseas Transactions (Applicable for VISA Debit Cards) All overseas transactions will be converted using VISA International exchange rates. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, an additional amount (minimum of 4.50%**) will be included to the rate at the time of billing. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
11 Processing Fee (Applicable for VISA Debit Cards) In order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate variances, all Card transactions done at overseas merchants/service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) in the form of Dynamic Currency Conversion or Multi-Currency Transactions will attract a Processing Fee of minimum 3.5%** on the LKR transaction value. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
12 Overseas Transaction Fee (Applicable for Mastercard Debit Cards) All overseas transactions will be converted using the applicable Telegraphic Transfer (TT) exchange rate of the Bank at the time of billing. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, the final billing amount will consist of an additional amount of minimum 4.50%**, apart from the initially authorized amount. This applies to all Card transactions done at overseas merchants /service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) as well, since the settlement of such transactions from the Bank to Merchant occurs in a foreign currency. **Rate is subject to foreign exchange market rate fluctuations.
13 Lost card Replacement fee - Debit
13.1 Visa Classic LKR 600.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Debit card annual fee LKR 750.00
2 ATM withdrawal FEE
2.1 Seylan ATMs LKR 5.00
2.2 Other bank ATMs LKR 60.00
2.3 Lanka pay ATMs LKR 30.00
2.4 Foreign LKR 1,000.00
3 Debit card issuance fee LKR 750.00
4 Card re- issue fee LKR 750.00
5 Pin re issue fee LKR 400.00
6 Lost card replacement fee LKR 750.00
7 Balance Inquiry FEE
7.1 Seylan ATMs Free
7.2 Seylan ATMs (with printed receipt) LKR 5.00
7.3 Other bank ATMs LKR 50.00
7.4 Lanka pay ATMs LKR 7.50
7.5 Foreign LKR 150.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Debit card annual fee LKR 500.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
2 Debit (ATM) issuance fee LKR 500.00
3 Card re-issuance fee LKR 500.00
4 Pin re-issue fee LKR 400.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
5 Lost card replacement fee LKR 500.00
6 ATM withdrawal fee- Seylan ATMs LKR 5.00
7 ATM withdrawal fee- other bank ATMs LKR 60.00
8 ATM withdrawal fee –Lanka pay ATMs LKR 30.00
9 ATM withdrawal fee - Foreign LKR 1,000.00
10 Balance inquiry fee- Seylan ATMs Free
11 Balance inquiry fee- other bank ATMs LKR 50.00
12 Balance inquiry fee-Lanka pay ATMs LKR 7.50
13 Balance inquiry fee – Foreign LKR 150.00
14 Fuel surcharge 1%
15 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using the applicable Telegraphic Transfer (TT) exchange rate of the Bank at the time of billing. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, the final billing amount will consist of an additional amount of minimum 4.50%**, apart from the initially authorized amount. This applies to all Card transactions done at overseas merchants /service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) as well, since the settlement of such transactions from the Bank to Merchant occurs in a foreign currency. **Rate is subject to foreign exchange market rate fluctuations.
16 Travel Insurance Fee (per Policy) - up to 30days LKR 2,500.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Debit Card Annual Fee LKR 750.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
2 Debit Card Issuance Fee LKR 500.00
3 Card Re-Issue Fee LKR 500.00
4 PIN Re-issue Fee LKR 400.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
5 Lost Card Replacement Fee LKR 500.00
6 ATM Withdrawal Fee
6.1 Seylan ATMs LKR 5.00
6.2 Other Bank ATMs LKR 60.00
6.3 Lanka Pay ATMs LKR 30.00
6.4 Foreign LKR 1,000.00
7 Balance Inquiry Fee
7.1 Seylan ATMs Free
7.2 Seylan ATMs (with printed receipt) LKR 5.00
7.3 Other Bank ATMs LKR 50.00
7.4 Lanka Pay ATMs LKR 7.50
7.5 Foreign LKR 150.00
8 Fuel Surcharge 1%
9 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using VISA International exchange rates. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, an additional amount (minimum of 4.50%**) will be included to the rate at the time of billing. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
10 Processing Fee In order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate variances, all Card transactions done at overseas merchants/service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) in the form of Dynamic Currency Conversion or Multi-Currency Transactions will attract a Processing Fee of minimum 3.5%** on the LKR transaction value. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
11 Travel Insurance Fee (per Policy) - up to 30 days LKR 2,500.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Debit Card Annual Fee LKR 1,000.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
2 Debit Card Issuance Fees LKR 1,500.00 (w.e.f 7th Oct 2024)
3 Card Re-Issue Fee LKR 1,500.00
4 Pin Re Issue Fee LKR 400.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
5 Lost card Replacement fee - Debit LKR 1,500.00
6 Fuel Surcharge via Debit Card 1%
7 Balance Inquiry Fee -
7.1 Seylan ATMs Free
7.2 Seylan ATMs (with printed receipt) LKR 5.00
7.3 Other Bank ATMs LKR 50.00
7.4 Lanka Pay ATMs LKR 7.50
7.5 Foreign LKR 150.00
8 ATM Withdrawal Fee -
8.1 Seylan ATMs LKR 5.00
8.2 Other Bank ATMs LKR 60.00
8.3 Lanka Pay ATMs LKR 30.00
8.4 Foreign LKR 1,000.00
9 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using VISA International exchange rates. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, an additional amount (minimum of 4.50%**) will be included to the rate at the time of billing. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
10 Processing Fee In order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate variances, all Card transactions done at overseas merchants/service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) in the form of Dynamic Currency Conversion or Multi-Currency Transactions will attract a Processing Fee of minimum 3.5%** on the LKR transaction value. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
11 Travel Insurance Fee ( per Policy) - up to 30 Days LKR 2,500.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Credit Limit LKR 200,000.00 to LKR 999,999
2 Cash Advance Limit 40% of the Credit Limit
3 Interest Rate %p.a. 26.00% p.a.- w.e.f. 07 Sep 2024
4 Annual Fee LKR 3,500.00
5 Joining Fee LKR 2,750.00
6 Supplementary Card Fee LKR 2,750.00
7 Interest Free days on purchases (maximum) 51 Days. (Interest Free days are applicable only when full settlement is made monthly and is not applicable for Cash Advances).
8 Late payment fee LKR 2,000.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
9 Excess Limit fee LKR 1,750.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
10 PIN Re. Issue fee LKR 500.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
11 Cash Advance Fee LKR 700.00 or 4.00% whichever is higher
12 Handling Fee - Paper Statement LKR 200.00 per month
13 Statement copy fee LKR 400.00
14 Confirmation Letter Issuing Fee Same day service - LKR 2,000.00
; Normal Service - LKR 1,000.00
15 Voucher Copy Retrieval fee LKR 2,500.00
16 Cheque Return – Refer to drawer LKR 2,000.00 + Postage
17 Cheque Return – Other Reasons LKR 1,000.00 + Postage
18 Lost card Replacement fee LKR 1,000.00
19 Overseas Courier Fee LKR 4,000.00
20 Permanent Limit Enhancement Fee LKR 750.00
21 Temporary Enhancement Fee LKR 1,000.00
22 Fuel Surcharge 1%
23 SMS Alert Fee ( Per Annum) LKR 250.00
24 Cancellation Letter Issuance Fee LKR 2,000.00
25 Easy Payment Plan Early Settlement Fee 4% from the remaining balance.
26 Urgent Application Processing Fee LKR 1,500.00
27 Travel Insurance Fee (per Policy) - up to 30 Days LKR 2,500.00
28 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using VISA International exchange rates. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, an additional amount (minimum of 4.50%**) will be included to the rate at the time of billing. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
29 Processing Fee In order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate variances, all Card transactions done at overseas merchants/service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) in the form of Dynamic Currency Conversion or Multi-Currency Transactions will attract a Processing Fee of minimum 3.5%** on the LKR transaction value. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
30 Processing Fee on 0% Easy Payment Plans LKR 2,000.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
31 Branch Over the Counter Withdrawal Fee LKR 2000.00 Handling Fee + 4% on the withdrawal amount (W.E.F 7th Oct 2024)
32 Cancellation Fees (T&C apply) LKR 3,000.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Credit Limit LKR 75,000.00 to 199,999.99
2 Cash Advance Limit 40% of the Credit Limit
3 Interest Rate %p.a. 26.00% p.a.- w.e.f. 07 Sep 2024
4 Joining Fee LKR 1,250.00
5 Annual Fee LKR 2,500.00
6 Supplementary Card Fee LKR 1,250.00
7 Interest Free days on purchases (maximum) 51Days. (Interest Free days are applicable only when full settlement is made monthly and is not applicable for Cash Advances).
8 Late payment fee LKR 2,000.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
9 Excess Limit fee LKR 1,750.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
10 PIN Re. Issue fee LKR 500.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
11 Cash Advance Fee LKR 700.00 or 4% (which ever is higher)  
12 Handling Fee - Paper Statements LKR 200.00 per month
13 Statement copy fee LKR 400.00
14 Confirmation Letter Issuing Fee Same day service - LKR 2,000.00;
Normal Service - LKR 1,000.00
15 Voucher Copy Retrieval fee LKR 2,500.00
16 Cheque Return – Refer to drawer LKR 2,000.00 + Postage
17 Cheque Return – Other Reasons LKR 1,000.00 + Postage
18 Lost card Replacement fee LKR 1,000.00
19 Overseas Courier Fee LKR 4,000.00
20 Permanent Limit Enhancement Fee LKR 750.00
21 Temporary Enhancement Fee LKR 1,000.00
22 Fuel Surcharge 1%
23 SMS Alert Fee ( Per Annum) LKR 250.00
24 Cancellation Letter Issuance Fee LKR 2,000.00
25 Easy Payment Plan Early Settlement Fee 4% from the remaining balance.
26 Urgent Application Processing Fee LKR 1,500.00
27 Travel Insurance Fee ( per Policy) - up to 30 Days LKR 2,500.00
28 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using VISA International exchange rates. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, an additional amount (minimum of 4.50%**) will be included to the rate at the time of billing. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
29 Processing Fee In order to mitigate the risk of exchange rate variances, all Card transactions done at overseas merchants/service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) in the form of Dynamic Currency Conversion or Multi-Currency Transactions will attract a Processing Fee of minimum 3.5%** on the LKR transaction value. ** Rates are subjected to market rate fluctuations.
30 Processing Fee on 0% Easy Payment Plans LKR 2,000.00 (w.e.f. 01 Mar 2024)
31 Branch Over the Counter Withdrawal Fee LKR 2,000.00 Handling Fee + 4% on the withdrawal amount (W.E.F 7th Oct 2024)


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 World Mastercard Credit Card Click Here
2 Visa Signature Credit Card Click Here


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Credit Limit LKR 75,000.00 to LKR 999,999.00
2 Cash Advance Limit 40% of the Credit Limit
3 Interest Rate %p.a. 26.00% p.a.- w.e.f. 07 Sep 2024
4 Fees No fees applicable except for the Maintenance Charge*
5 Spend Commitment
5.1 Minimum Commitment LKR 10,000.00 per month.
5.2 Maintenance Charges If minimum Spend Commitment is not met - LKR 1,500.00
6 Fuel Surcharge 1%
7 Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions will be converted using the applicable Telegraphic Transfer (TT) exchange rate of the Bank at the time of billing. In order to mitigate local exchange rate movements, the final billing amount will consist of an additional amount of minimum 4.50%**, apart from the initially authorized amount. This applies to all Card transactions done at overseas merchants /service providers and websites registered outside of Sri Lanka but billed in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) as well, since the settlement of such transactions from the Bank to Merchant occurs in a foreign currency. **Rate is subject to foreign exchange market rate fluctuations.
8 Processing Fee N/A
9 Cancellation Letter Issuance Fee LKR 2,000.00
10 Urgent Application Processing Fee LKR 1,500.00
11 Travel Insurance Fee ( per Policy) - up to 30 Days LKR 2,500.00
12 Processing Fee on 0% Easy Payment Plans Free
13 Branch Over the Counter Withdrawal Fee Free


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Cash Backed Credit Card Rates Click Here


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Issuance Fee
1.1 Individual LKR 600.00
1.2 Corporate LKR 750.00
2 Loading 2% commission on loading value
3 Re-loading 2% commission on re-loading value
4 Encashment Rs 300.00 per transaction
5 Balance Inquiry Travel
5.1 Seylan ATMs Free
5.2 Other Banks ATMs USD 0.50 (or equivalent)
6 Cash Withdrawal
6.1 Seylan ATMs Free
6.2 Other ATMs USD 2.00 (or equivalent) **Please note that certain Banks levy an additional ATM fee which is notified to card member prior to transaction is performed, enabling card member proceed with the transaction at the card member's discretion. Please ensure that sufficient funds are available (inclusive of above both ATM charges) in any one wallet, since partial authorizations are not allowed.
6.3 Declined ATM transaction at other ATMs USD 0.50 (or equivalent) ** Due to insufficient funds or exceeding PIN tries
7 SMS Alert Free
8 Card Replacement charges LKR 600.00
9 Pin reissuance charges on the web Free
10 Wallet to wallet funds transfer Please contact 24 hour call center: +94 11 200 8888


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Issuance Fee
1.1 Pre Paid - Individual LKR 300.00
1.2 Pre Paid - Corporate LKR 500.00
2 Loading Fee LKR 50.00
3 Balance Inquiry Fee
3.1 Seylan ATM Free
3.2 Other Bank ATMs LKR 75.00
4 Cash Withdrawal Fee
4.1 Seylan ATMs Free
4.2 Other bank ATMs LKR 100.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Processing Fee 0.5% of Loan Amount Minimum LKR 2,500.00 to Maximum LKR 50,000.00
2 Mortgage Bond
2.1 Up to LKR 3,000,000.00 1% of Loan amount -,Maximum LKR 30,000.00
2.2 LKR 3,000,000.00 to LKR 10,000,000.00 LKR 30,000.00 + 0.5% to the balance Loan Value e.g. If Loan amount = LKR 5Mio Charges = LKR 30,000.00 + (LKR 2Mio x 0.5%)
2.3 Above LKR 10.00Mio LKR 65,000.00 + 0.25% to the balance Loan Value e.g If Loan amount = LKR 12Million Charges = LKR 65,000.00 + (LKR 2Million x 0.25%)
2.4 VAT Mortgage Charges x 12%
2.5 Mortgage Bond Total = Mortgage Charges + VAT
3 Stamp Duty
3.1 Purchase or Construction of a House - Below LKR 3,000,000.00 No Charges
3.2 Purchase or Construction of a House - Above LKR 3,000,000.00 0.1% of Loan Amount
3.3 For Transfer deeds - Up to LKR 100,000.00 3.0% of Transfer deed value
3.4 For Transfer deeds - Above LKR 100,000.00 4.0%of Transfer deed value
4 Insurance Policies
4.1 Title Insurance Policy On evaluation requirement.
4.2 Mortgage Policy Mandatory
4.3 Fire Insurance At the time of purchasing a House *Completed Or Under Construction


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Import LC opening Commission
1.1 LKR Sight/ Usance
0.3% for first 3 months, Min - LKR 10,000.00,
0.15% additional month or part thereof
1.2 FCY Sight/ Usance
1.5% for first 3 months, Min - LKR 10,000.00,
0.3% additional month or part thereof
1.3 SWIFT charges on LCs LKR 5,000.00
1.4 Charges on issuance of Drafts for Letters of Credit LKR 5,000.00
1.5 Arranging DC confirmation LKR 10,000.00
2 Discrepancy Fee
2.1 Foreign LC USD 80.00
2.2 Local LC USD 40.00
3 Acceptance Commission 0.5% for first 3 months, 0.15% additional month or part thereof
Min – LKR4,500.00
4 Settlement of LC Bills Handling fee - LKR 5,000.00
SWIFT - LKR 3,500.00
5 Standby Letter of Credit – Issuance Commission 0.5% per quarter,
Min – LKR5,000.00
6 Issuance of Shipping Guarantee / Copy Documents
6.1 LC 0.4% flat on 100% of the Invoice value up to 30 days of issuance of Guarantee,
Min – LKR 7,500.00
6.2 Collection 0.5% flat on 100% of the Invoice value up to 30 days of issuance of Guarantee, Min – LKR 7,500.00
6.3 Endorsement of 1/3 Bill of Lading LKR 4,000.00
6.4 Certification of Copy documents 0.125% flat - Min LKR 2,500.00
7 Commission on import bills for collection (DP/DA)
7.1 Avalization subject to credit approval 1% per month, Min – LKR10,000.00
7.2 Bank to Bank DP: 1.5%, Min - LKR 10,000.00,
DA: 1.5%, Min - LKR 10,000.00
7.3 Drawer to Bank DP: 1.5%, Min - LKR 10,000.00,
DA: 1.5%, Min - LKR 10,000.00
7.4 Settlement of Collection Bills DP / DA Handling fee - LKR 5,000.00
SWIFT - LKR 3,500.00
7.5 Closing of unpaid DA Bills after 180 days from the maturity date LKR 3,000.00
7.6 Settlement of D/A Bills after closure of files, after 180 days from the maturity date and subject to Import Control approval LKR 5,000.00
7.7 Documents released against “Letter of Undertaking/Promissory Note” from the drawee LKR 5,000.00
7.8 Transport documents consigned to Seylan Bank PLC (deducted from the drawer) USD 25.00
8 Entrepot Trade based transactions – handling fees LKR 5,000.00
9 Guarantees
9.1 Guarantee issued against counter Guarantee of acceptable banks - Issuance Commission 0.5% per quarter, Minimum – USD100
9.2 Enhancement / Extension 0.5% per quarter, Min – USD100
9.3 SWIFT charges for Amendments (General) USD 35.00
9.4 Advising fee USD 50.00 flat
9.5 SWIFT charges for any communication USD 35.00
9.6 Government charges, if any As applicable
10 Advising of Letter of Credit Customers - LKR 2,500.00
Non- Customers - LKR 5,000.00
11 Negotiation of Export Bills - Sight/Usance Commission – LKR 5,000.00 flat
FCY - 0.25% of the Bill Value,
Min - USD 35.00
12 Purchase of Export Bills - Sight/Usance Commission – LKR 4,000.00 flat
FCY - 0.25% of the Bill Value,
Min - USD 35.00
13 Collection of Export Bills - Sight/Usance Commission - 0.25% of the Bill value,
Min - LKR 3,000.00
Min - USD 30.00
14 Status Reports LKR 2,000.00 + as per information provider's tariff


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Confirmation letter in lieu of lost certificate LKR 2,500.00
2 Upliftment of Fixed Deposit without original LKR 2,000.00


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Inward Investment Accounts (IIA)
1.1 Documentation charge under permitted investments and returns (excluding LKR disbursements) 0.5% of the transaction value
Minimum LKR.15,000.00,
Maximum - LKR.25,000.00
2 External Commercial Borrowing (ECBA)
2.1 When opening the ECBA LKR 15,000.00
2.2 Loan repayment (when converting if ECBA is in FCY or when remitting/ crediting IIA if ECBA is in LKR) LKR 3,000.00
3 Business Foreign Currency Account - BFCA
3.1 Fund transfers to third party BFCA with SBK USD 1
3.2 Fund transfers to own BFCA with SBK Free
4 From NRRA Non- Resident Firms or Company Accounts, for facilitating outward remittances or transfers to an IIA/ FCBU account as permitted by the regulations (excluding LKR disbursements) LKR 5,000.00 for any amount
5 From ERIA for facilitating credits received locally to the ERIA(i.e. current income etc.) 0.25% of the transaction value
Minimum - LKR 4,000.00,
Maximum - LKR 10,000.00
6 From CTRA for Crediting PFCA/IIA/ERIA or outward remittance(excluding LKR disbursements) LKR 2,500.00 for any amount


No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Cash deposits during extended/weekend banking hours Up to LKR 3 Million per account, per day - free of charge. Above LKR 3 Million per account, per day - 0.0375% (Min LKR 500) (Amount in excess of LKR 3 Million)
2 Over the counter funds transfer from Seylan to Seylan Accounts LKR 100.00
3 SLIPS charges
3.1 Processed by diskette LKR 50/- per company per item, up to 4 diskette runs per month. No handling fee.
More than 4 diskette runs per month, per company- per item and a handling fee of LKR 50/- per item ( Altogether LKR 100/- per item)
3.2 Processed manually LKR 50/- per company per item, up to 2 schedules per month. No handling fee.
More than 2 schedules per month, per a company at LKR 50/- per item and a handling fee of LKR 50/- per item (Altogether LKR 100/- per item)
4 Payment of Salaries & Commissions
4.1 Crediting Account LKR 50/- per company per item, up to 4 diskette runs per month. NO handling fee.
More than 4 diskette runs per month, per company at LKR 50/- per item and a handling fee of LKR 50/- per item (Altogether LKR 100/- per item)
4.2 Processed manually LKR 75/- per company per item, up to 2 schedules per month. No handling fee .
More than 2 schedules per month and per company- LKR 75/- per item and handling fee of LKR 75/- per item ( Altogether LKR 150/- per item)
5 Multiple deposits representing payment of Salaries/commissions etc., to the credit of many accounts LKR 100/- per Item
6 CEFTS over the counter transactions LKR 100.00
7 RTGs charges LKR 400.00
8 Facility documentation fee (loans/ ODs/ LCs etc)
8.1 Cash backed facilities LKR 1,000.00
8.2 Other facilities 0.5% minimum LKR 2,000.00 & maximum LKR 200,000.00
8.3 Renewal of facilities 50% of the above
9 Bank Guarantees Full cash margin (Int bearing) - 1% minimum LKR 3,000.00 | Full cash margin (Non int bearing) - LKR 2,500.00
10 Balance Confirmation for Income Tax and Audit purposes LKR 500.00
11 Balance Confirmation Certificates
11.1 Letters to Embassies etc. LKR 3,000.00 per statement / letter
11.2 Income Tax and audit purposes LKR 1,000.00
11.3 Letter confirmation of customer information LKR 1,000.00
11.4 Letter confirming customer details to EPF/ETF LKR 250.00
12 Managers Cheques
12.1 Customers (by debiting the A/C) LKR 1,000.00
12.2 Customers (Against cash) LKR 2,000.00
12.3 Non- Customers LKR 3,000.00
12.4 Issue of Cheques in lieu of lost cancellation LKR 2,500.00
13 Payment of Salaries & Commissions
13.1 Crediting Account LKR 50/- per company per item, up to 4 diskette runs per month. NO handling fee.
More than 4 diskette runs per month, per company at LKR 50/- per item and a handling fee of LKR 50/- per item (Altogether LKR 100/- per item)
13.2 Processed manually LKR 75/- per company per item, up to 2 schedules per month. No handling fee .
More than 2 schedules per month and per company- LKR 75/- per item and handling fee of LKR 75/- per item ( Altogether LKR 150/- per item)

Pawning / Gold Loan

No Description Charge / Fee - LKR
1 Renewal LKR 150.00
2 Part Payment LKR 150.00
3 Administrative charges on Auctions Actual postage + Advertisement cost + Branch cost + LKR 4,000/- as Administrative cost on Auctions.
4 Lost Pawn/gold loan Ticket LKR 1,000.00
5 Handling charges on revaluation LKR 250.00
6 Renewal of facilities Value up to LKR 5 Mio = LKR 1,000.00 ;
Value above LKR 5 Mio = LKR 2,000.00
7 Pawning
7.1 Early Redemptions (Within 03 months) LKR 400.00
8 Gold Loan
8.1 Early Redemptions (Within 02 weeks) LKR 1,000.00