Loan Against Property

Let your property work for you; let it support to upgrade your life, business or investments for your future. Seylan Loan Against Property (LAP) is a tailor made loan available for salaried employees against the mortgage over his/her residential property and repayment backed the salary assignment.

  • Loan for any need.
  • Loan from a minimum of LKR 3 million up to a maximum LKR 100 million or 75% of the Forced Sale value.
  • Advisory Service.


  • Repayment period up to 25 Years, subject to full settlement prior to reaching 60 years of age or Retirement age whichever is earlier.


  • Sri Lankan citizens Employed in Sri Lanka aged 18 years and above
  • Net Income over LKR 200,000/-
  • Permanent employee who have completed a minimum period of 12 months.
  • CRIB clear
  • Total financial commitments including LAP to be within 60% of net fixed income.



Loan Against Property (LAP) Charges
Processing Fee 0.5% of Loan Amount Minimum LKR 15,000.00 to Maximum LKR 200,000.00
Mortgage Bond Loan Amount  
Up to LKR 5,000,000/- 1% of Loan amount -, Minimum LKR 5,000.00
LKR 5,000,000 up to LKR 25,000,000
LKR 5,000,000
LKR 5,000,001 up to LKR 25,000,000

LKR 50,000
LKR 50,000 + 0.5% on the remaining balance
Above LKR 25,0Mio
LKR 25,000,000/-
LKR 25,000,0001 and above

LKR 150,000/-
LKR 150,000/-+ 0.25%
VAT Mortgage Charges x 15.00%
Mortgage Bond Total = Mortgage Charges + VAT
Valuation Fee   Depends on Valuation + Travelling Charges e.g. If Loan Amount = LKR 2,000,000/-,Valuation Fee = LKR 2,000/- + travelling charges
Title Search Charges As applicable by the respective lawyers who are outsourced and employed by the bank
Stamp Duty Purchase or Construction of a House - Below LKR 3,000,000/- No Charges
Purchase or Construction of a House - Above LKR 3,000,000/- 0.1% of Loan Amount
For Transfer deeds - Up to LKR 100,000/- 3.0% of Transfer deed value
For Transfer deeds - Above LKR 100,000/- 4.0%of Transfer deed value
Insurance Policies Title Insurance Policy On evaluation requirement.
Mortgage Policy Mandatory
Fire Insurance As per valuation

Loan Against Property

Tenure (fixed) Rate % for Permanent employees with Salary Assignment (Salary above LKR 500,000/-) (%) Rate % for Permanent employees with Salary Assignment (Salary above LKR 200,000/-) (%) Others (%)
With Credit Card & Internet Banking With Credit Card & Internet Banking Without Credit Card & Internet Banking With Credit Card & Internet Banking Without Credit Card & Internet Banking
01 Year - - 10.00 10.50 11.00
02 Years - - 10.50 11.00 11.50
05 Years - - 11.25 11.75 12.25