Registering of Members will be Discontinued from 02nd Dec 2022
Cash Back of 5% for Members
There is no limited time frame for pumping of fuel, offer is valid Any Time, Any Day.
Minimum Monthly spend of Rs.15,000 for members ( Monthly spend will be calculated from 01st to 31st of a specified month)
Maximum discount per month Rs.1,000/-
At the time of processing the refund , Credit Card Account should be in regular status without any payment Delays.
The refund will be added to the following month’s credit card statement.
The Bank has the right to limit the membership registrations without any prior notice to the customers based on market conditions.
Membership Registration Fee of LKR.1,999/- is non-refundable.
In the event of a cancellation the Bank has the right to claw back additional 4% of fuel cashback refunds (if any) given up to the date of cancellation.
Registration PROCESS for membership
Customer to call Hotline 011 2008888 to register.
One time membership fee of Rs.1,999/- will be charged to the Credit Card at the month end as membership charges.
Customer will receive a SMS to the registered phone number on the Credit Card system once the registration is confirmed.
Registered members are entitled to a 5% refund of Rs.1,000 maximum, on a minimum monthly spend of Rs.15,000/- at next billing.
The 1% Cash back offer for non members is discountinued from 01st Aug 2022.